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What to Know About Criminal Cases due to Dog Bites or Animal Attacks

If your dog or other animal bit or otherwise attacked another person, you could face criminal charges. This means you’ll likely not only be ordered to pay for the medical bills stemming from the incident, but you could also end up going to prison. If you’re worried about these consequences, you need to contact a criminal defense attorney near you. While you wait to meet with your lawyer, take a look at what you should know about criminal cases involving animal attacks:
How to Respond to the Accusations
After the incident, it’s important to offer immediate help to the victim, which typically means assisting the person with getting fast medical attention. Once you do this, begin to think about the possible legal consequences of the dog bite or animal attack. Even if you don’t think the victim will sue you or bring charges against you, it’s crucial that you take steps to defend yourself.
Start by getting the contact information of any witnesses who were present during the incident. Then write down any details about the attack that you could possibly forget in the near future. For example, if the victim trespassed into your yard or you specifically told the victim not to touch your pet, make a note of that. Do the same if the victim was provoking your pet or you believe the animal was acting in self-defense. These details could help your case.
What to Expect From the Criminal Case
When it comes to a criminal case involving a dog bite or animal attack, there are a few ways the prosecutor could try to prove it was your fault. You and your lawyer will go over these possibilities and then consider your options for defense. For example, your lawyer might try to prove that your animal has never bitten before and that there was no way for you to know it would.
Another possible defense for your case is that the victim provoked the animal. The defense option your lawyer chooses will depend on the facts of the case, so make sure you have all the details of the incident written down when you seek legal help.
Accusations involving a dog bite or animal attack can be intimidating, but you don’t have to deal with this type of criminal charge on your own. You can get the legal guidance you need when you come to the Law Office of Bernie McEvoy for help with your criminal case in Nashville.