Sex Offender Registration

Sex Crime Attorney Representing People in the Nashville Area

If you are convicted of a sex crime in Tennessee, such as rape or statutory rape, you may be obligated to register as a sex offender. Sex offender registration imposes restrictions on personal freedom and can result in a significant loss of reputation and privacy. Nashville sex crime lawyer Bernie McEvoy can represent people charged with sex offender registration violations as well as fighting against a charge of an offense that requires registration. He has the experience and compassion to provide trustworthy legal advice and advocacy regarding sex offender registration in Davidson and Williamson Counties.

Tennessee Sex Offender Registration

Tennessee maintains a publicly available registry of sexual offenders that includes their photos and details, such as home addresses, convictions, and other information. The sex offender registry is authorized under the Tennessee Sexual Offender and Violent Sexual Offender Registration, Verification, and Tracking Act. The express purpose of the Act is to make information about certain individuals convicted of sexual offenses publicly available so that members of the public may protect themselves and their children from those individuals. There are many Tennessee crimes that may require sex offender registration after a conviction. A few examples are sexual battery, rape, statutory rape, sexual exploitation of a minor, incest, and a third-time indecent exposure offense.

Sex offenders are subject to reporting obligations and regular monitoring by law enforcement. Offenders are required to register or report to their designated law enforcement agency any material changes concerning their residence, address, and employment within 48 hours. Accordingly, offenders must report when they move to a new residence, establish a secondary residence, accept a new job, quit or get fired from an existing job, substantially change their work hours or job location, or become a student. Offenders must also report any new email addresses and usernames for electronic chat or messaging communications within three days. These obligations are in addition to the in-person reporting that is required on a regular basis to update fingerprints and photographs. Knowingly violating these requirements may result in criminal charges that can lead to additional penalties. Failing to promptly register, report, or disclose required information, falsifying information, and failing to pay administration costs are a few of the criminal offenses defined under Tennessee law.

Individuals who are registered sexual offenders face many restrictions in their everyday life. They are limited in the places that they can visit and live, the people whom they can be around, and the jobs that they can hold. Most registered sex offenders are not allowed on school grounds or child care facilities, public parks and playgrounds, or public athletic fields if children under 18 are present. Nor can they stand or sit idly within 1,000 feet of the property line of such places when they have no specific or legitimate reason for being there. In addition, adult offenders who were convicted of a sex crime involving a minor are prohibited from residing with any minor, with only a few exceptions for some offenders who are parents of minor children. For more detailed information about restrictions under the sex offender registration law and potential exceptions, you should consult a Tennessee attorney.

Sex offender registration is generally permanent for violent sexual offenders, but non-violent sexual offenders may petition for removal in some cases. A request to terminate registration may be filed 10 years after the completion of probation or parole, if the offender has substantially complied with the registration requirements and is qualified for removal. The circumstances that allow for removal are fact-specific, and it is best to discuss a specific situation with a defense attorney.

Contact a Nashville Lawyer for Guidance on Sex Offender Registration

Criminal attorney Bernie McEvoy understands the life-altering consequences of sex offender registration. He can advocate for defendants facing charges of rape, child pornography, and other sex crimes in Franklin, Nashville, and many other areas of Davidson and Williamson Counties. Contact the Law Office of Bernie McEvoy to request a free consultation by calling (615) 255-9595 during the day or (615) 804-8779 after business hours, or by using our website. In addition to sex offenses, Mr. McEvoy handles domestic violence cases, drug cases, and other criminal charges.

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